Thursday, January 19, 2012

Aisling's nap time update

Aisling is doing great. It took some time, but Mommy and Daddy has finally got the hang of her nap times. She is really liking her crib in her room. The humidifier is helping her a lot with her nose. Unfortunately she got my trait, always has a stuffy nose when she wakes up and goes to bed, poor thing... She takes about 3 naps everyday. Usually, she takes a short nap in the morning (short cause she tends to sleep in), then another nap during the afternoon time/lunch time which usually lasts 1 hour to 2. Then she takes another nap later in the afternoon time usually 45 mins to one hour. We don't want to give her a long nap later in the afternoon cause we don't want her to not get "enough sleep" at night.

So this is how it looks like so far. I am enjoying being a stay at home Mommy. Learning so many new things about my pumpkin everyday and I love every moment of it.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Its been a week...

Its been a week since we started the afternoon nap schedule and it has been interesting. Today is day 7 and Aisling woke up a little bit before 7 am. She got a little tired and fussy a little past 9 (which we know it's really early for a nap considering the time she woke up). So we put her down anyways an she took a 30-45 min nap.

She woke up, ate and played some more. After playing with her for a while, around 12:15 she seemed tired again. We decided to put her in the crib. She cried and fussed a little bit, not really considered "fussy" really if you ask us... She soothed herself by touching her face, sucking on her hand and fell right to sleep.

We will keep you updated on how she did :)
Thank you for always reading my blog. I really enjoy keeping a blog on her journey.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 6 afternoon naps

It is really tough... She started getting tired at 9:00 am today. She fell asleep for about 45min to one hour. That is fantastic, but I know she can do better/take longer naps.
She is moving around, crying and not napping now. I've been going in the room to give her binky and soothing her without picking her up.... Sooooo hard!!! I am just tryingto let her cry it out and let her learn how to soothe herself to sleep (ex: rubs her face).

If I let her cry it out, does this make me a bad mama?
Oh...boy...this is so hard :(

Friday January 6: Day 5 afternoon naps

We really had a busy day today, so it was really difficult to do afternoon naps.
We tried to let her sleep in her stroller as much as possible. She did sleep really well again at night. We put her down at 9:00 and she slept till 7! Great job Aisling ;)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 4 afternoon naps

Aisling is showing great progress with her afternoon naps. Today she slept from 9:15am-11:15am. Then again, she took another nap at 2:10-3:15pm. Wow, what a fantastic day!!!

Aisling, you are awesome and we love you soooooo much!!!
We are so blessed...

Picture after her second nap time :)

Day 2 and 3 afternoon nap time

I forgot to blog and give you all an update as to how my pumpkin Aisling is doing on her afternoon naps.

On day 2, Aisling was still getting used to the afternoon naps. She cried...then Mommy cried. She cried for a while, then fell asleep. She only slept 20 minutes.

On day 3, Aisling did a fabulous job. Mommy did something different this time. Mommy put her blanket, warm(i put it in the clothes dryer). I also put my pillowcase in here as one of her blankets. She cried for 3-4 mins, Mommy went in and put her binky on and she walked out of her room. Aisling took an afternoon nap from 12:30-2:30pm !!! It was the most awesome feeling as a new Mommy.

I praised her sooo much and gave her lots of hugs and kisses :D

Monday, January 2, 2012

First afternoon naps

Today, we tried implementing "scheduled naps" into Aisling's daily schedule. She will now try and take naps at 10:00 am and 2:00 pm. It is still a little hard, Aisling cries her heart out to Mommy and Daddy, but we are trying to stay strong. We will keep you up to date on how she is doing. Here are some pictures I took of her from the video monitor this afternoon.